The Tomb of Hafez, located in the Musalla Gardens in Shiraz, is the mausoleum of 14th-century Persian poet Khajeh Shams al-Din Mohammad Hafez-e Shirazi (1331-1337). The tomb is situated in the middle of the second and supper garden in line with the centre of the Colonnade, and the ancient tombstone has remained its original position. Visitors can take a calming walk around the gardens, admire the elaborate ceiling of the cupola and stop for tea and rose water at the teahouse.

Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz, Fars

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The original Hafez structure was made in 1773 in the time of Karim Khan Zand, and in the centre stood four stone columns, the north and south sides were open, and on each of the other two sides a room had been built. The actual tomb of Hafez was outside and behind this building in the middle of the cemetery, and later on, an iron railing was fixed round the tomb, which did not have a fitting appearance.

Here is a poem by Hafez:

نديدم خوشتر از شعر تو حافظ
به قرآنى كه اندر سينه دارى

I have never seen any poetry sweeter than thine, O Hafez,
I swear it by that Koran which thou keepest in thy bosom.

Read more about the Tomb of Hafez
Satellite image of the Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz

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Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz, Fars in Iran

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